2. Latest release notes and usage changes

2.1. Updates on this release

Type Description
Feature Improved speed of TNscope.
Feature Added option --trim_soft_clip to TNscope, TNhaplotyper and TNHhaplotyper2.
Feature Added capability for output BAM from --bam_output option to keep the input BAM RG information.
Feature Added option --disable_detector to TNscope to control the type of variants called.
Feature Added support in TNscope SV calling to more accurately represent large INS.
Feature Added mode to util fqidx to extract a fraction of the reads.
Feature Added support in GVCFtyper merge mode to allow input files hosted in an object storage location.
Feature Added support for using multiple --interval options.
Bug-fix Solved issue in TNscope that could call a false positive in a site that has a germline call and is neighboring another SNV.
Bug-fix Improved error reporting.
Bug-fix Solved issue in sentieon script that could prevent using a demo license on a shell that is not BASH.
Bug-fix Solved issue that would prevent BED files containing an interval with identical start and end.
Bug-fix Solved issue in DNAModelApply that would cause an error when the input VCF file is empty.
Bug-fix Solved issue in plot that could cause it to run longer than necessary.
Bug-fix Solved issue in DNAModelApply that would cause an error when over-scheduling.
Bug-fix Solved issue in util sort that could cause an assertion error when over-scheduling.
Bug-fix Solved issue in plot that would generate BQSR PDF plots without AA and AAA context covariate.

2.2. Usage changes from previous release

This released introduced the following changes in interface and usage:

  • Added TNscope option --disable_detector to control the type of variants called.
  • Added support for using multiple --interval options.