PCR Duplicate Removal With Consensus Functionality


This document describes how to remove PCR duplicates using Sentieon® Genomics tool. This step uses two individual commands to collect read information and perform the deduplication. The option --consensus of LocusCollector controls whether to output the consensus of PCR duplicates. If the unique molecular identifiers (UMI) tag is applicable, use the option --umi_tag for LocusCollector to turn on the barcode-aware deduplication.

Non-consensus-based deduplication

With Non-consensus-based deduplication, a representative read from a group of duplicate reads is selected as the primary read.

Non-consensus-based deduplication without UMI

This workflow matches the default outcome of Picard MarkDuplicates.

sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo LocusCollector --fun score_info SCORE.gz
sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo Dedup [--rmdup] --score_info SCORE.gz  \

There is a special 3-pass deduplication flow to mark both primary and non-primary reads. This workflow, however, is only available for non-consensus-based deduplication without UMI.

Non-consensus-based deduplication with UMI

This workflow utilizes the UMI information in addition to the 5' positions of both reads and read-pairs to determine PCR duplicates. Use the option --umi_tag in LocusCollector to specify the logic UMI tag.

sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo LocusCollector --umi_tag XR --fun score_info SCORE.gz
sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo Dedup [--rmdup] --score_info SCORE.gz  \

Consensus-based deduplication

With consensus-based deduplication, one single consensus read is generated from a group of duplicate reads. This process will correct errors introduced by PCR and sequencing. It will also estimate base quality scores at each position to reflect the new probability that a base in the consensus read is called incorrectly. Additional step of base quality adjustments should not be performed after consensus-based deduplication.

Set the option --consensus in LocusCollector to turn on the consensus-based deduplication function. Moreover, the reference FASTA file is now required for Dedup.

Consensus-based deduplication without UMI

Without UMI, this workflow uses the alignment coordinates alone to cluster sequencing reads.

sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo LocusCollector --consensus --fun score_info SCORE.gz
sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -r REFERENCE -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo Dedup [--rmdup] --score_info SCORE.gz  \

Consensus-based deduplication with UMI

With UMI, this workflow uses both the alignment coordinates and their UMIs to cluster sequencing reads.

sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo LocusCollector --consensus --umi_tag XR --fun score_info SCORE.gz
sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -r REFERENCE -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo Dedup [--rmdup] --score_info SCORE.gz  \

UMI barcode error correction

UMI barcodes are error corrected based on the edit distance with other barcodes automatically. To disable this function, use the option --umi_ecc_dist 0 in LocusCollector.

RNA sequence data

Set the option --rna in LocusCollector when using RNA sequence data aligned with STAR.

sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo LocusCollector --rna [--consensus] [--umi_tag XR] --fun score_info SCORE.gz
sentieon driver -t NUMBER_THREADS -r REFERENCE -i SORTED_BAM \
  --algo Dedup [--rmdup] --score_info SCORE.gz DEDUPED_BAM